The TDA Mission Statement

We are a professional and nurturing team that provides exceptional and, sometimes, life-changing dental care. We welcome everyone with open arms and treat each person with respect and compassion.
We are a team of talented, committed, individuals who are passionate about what we do. Together we create a positive, supportive family environment where each person is empowered and encouraged to do their job to the best of their ability. Our patients trust us because of our honest and non-judgmental approach to meeting their individual needs.
We deeply value our passion for dentistry, and most importantly our compassion for people!
Over the past 6 weeks we have had some time to review how we work, what we care most about, and how we will rise to the challenges we all face going forward. We have confirmed that the core values of our practice are strong and remain unchanged. The mission we are all committed to as a team gives us confidence and focus as we plan to safely return to work next month.
While we have all been staying safe at home our team has continued to reach out to each other and to the community with acts of compassion and caring. In March we were able to donate masks to frontline medical providers.
As we have been stocking the PPE we will need to protect our team and patients, we are being thoughtful about not draining supplies for hospital workers fighting the virus every day.

Our team rallied around one of our own when Berny’s mom and mother in-law were left homeless and lost everything they owned in a fire last month. We organized donations amongst ourselves.
When the story of the fire was first shared with our TDA dental family, the outpouring of support was incredible. We were humbled by the generosity of our patients who also donated to help out Berny’s family.

Earlier this month, Jennifer experienced a great loss in her family and we all spent time expressing our care and concern from a distance. We were reminded of the value of a card or a phone call to express our feelings.
As a surprise, Keri, our lead assistant, prepared a gift and planned a socially distanced drop off at Jennifer’s house. It felt like there were more time and space to be compassionate without the intense rush and hustle of our former workdays together in the office.
As a team, we also welcomed Baby Josie Rose to the TDA family! Mia became a brand-new mom and because the team had no chance to give her the baby shower we had planned at the office, we gathered the gifts together and put them in quarantine so they could be safely delivered to Mia’s home.
Dr. Cenami even had time to hand crochet a ballerina bunny for the basket! Seeing Mia and her beautiful daughter gave us all feelings of joy and gratitude.

Together, we are beginning to plan how to re-open the office in a couple of weeks and start to provide treatment to our patients and focus on what we all love to do again: dentistry. The time spent apart, from each other and from you, has helped us appreciate even more what our practice is all about.
Thank you for being a big part of that and thank you to every single person on our team. Be safe and stay well until the next time we see you in the office!
Dr. Nitish Nahata and the TDA Team